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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

How To Get Approved Your FileIce Account within 24 hours

How To Get Approved Your FileIce Account within 24 hours

File ice
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The main problem is that your account approval. File ice Account Approval are really Critical Task, I was trying about a week to get their approval but nothing went good. So I decided to play some tricks on them. Just tried some plays and fortunately I got the method for easy approval. This tutorial may help you to get approved from File ice very quickly.

Follow These Simple Steep For approving your File Ice Account.

(1).  We must use US IP Address by using  Real hide Ip Software  while applying for Fileice account. & change your Ip To Your Country To US (Eg. india Ip To Us IP)
Click here to Apply for FileIce.Net Account
Click here For Download REAL HIDE IP Software

(2).  Don’t give your own information while filling up the form. Use 
to generate a fake information of United states and use that information for filling up the form.
Note-"in the age option you must ensure that your age is above 40."

(3).  In the email option use  your own email not the one mentioned in fake name generator.
When they ask if you have a website tick no and in the description box write something similar to this- 
"I am a software programmer and i am keen in developing softwares. I am soon going to open up a marketing forum with topics like white hat SEO methods.I have developed and contributed to many software firms like McAfee, Norton and many other software firms.I am keen to have a fileice account as I want to make my softwares an open source and meanwhile earn some money for my future."

NOTE:- "Remember to keep your application formal. Lack of grammar and an obvious display of poor literacy will instantly lower your chances of approval."

Related Article: Earn More with DollarUpload Surveys with Proof.

(4).  Now apply for the account and wait for 24-72 hours.

(5).  If you are lucky enough then you will get your account approved in first attempt else try second or third time.I got my account approved in second attempt


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